Our political systems are broken.
Politics is just a word for how we decide what gets done and who gets what. Politics works best when people from all walks of life meet in mutual respect to ensure that everyone gets a fair share of life’s necessities. This feels like an impossible dream for most of us.
True democracy is a beautiful idea.
All Hands On supports social movements whose stories include better forms of politics and respectful, inclusive decision making. “Democracy” has become a dirty word, but it’s such a beautiful idea. The true meaning of democracy is all of us making decisions together. Every voice counts. People reclaim their agency and work through their differences to arrive at just solutions and bring about social change based on the principles of intersectional justice.
Not for profit.
All Hands On is a not-for-profit company registered in Scotland. The company is limited by guarantee and has an asset lock written into its constitution. This means that, by law, we can only spend money on making films, supporting our partners, and operating the company. We have no shareholders.
About our privilege.
And yes, All Hands On’s founders are white men from the Global North. We can’t escape those facts and our associated privilege.
Our ultimate goal is that privileged Westerners like us will no longer be the ones creating media and speaking on behalf of those who suffer the negative effects of our modern way of life. We channel our privileges and resources to ensure that frontline communities and grassroots organisers can develop their own narratives and their own platforms for communication.
Our core team
Patrick Chalmers
Co-Founder & Director/Producer
Text journalism threads through my 35 years of media making, from print to digital media; including 11 years on staff at Reuters.
That arc of work took me from cosy insider to today's root-and-branch critic of conventional media and electoral politics.
All Hands On is an ongoing effort to walk that critic's talk by making and curating films about change for the better. It will always be a flawed work in progress.
Phil Adams
Co-Founder & Executive Producer
I’ve worked in advertising, digital marketing, social media, and brand consulting for over 30 years.
I work with ideas, messages, frames, and stories.
I’m a trustee on the board of Scottish Documentary Institute.
I’m past Chair of Manipulate Arts (puppetry, animation, visual theatre).
Clément Guerra
Film Director & Event Producer
My passion is finding innovative ways to facilitate collaboration between groups and movements that too often work in silos. I use technology, storytelling, and media as powerful organising tools.
My background is in community-based strategy, organisational development, digital marketing and film making.
My firm belief is that those most affected by issues are the best architects for identifying and implementing solutions for their communities.